SCIM in public entities in accordance with OSGG no.600 / 2018
12.04.2022 2022-05-26 12:32SCIM in public entities in accordance with OSGG no.600 / 2018
SCIM in public entities in accordance with OSGG no.600 / 2018
The amendments brought to the Code of internal / managerial control by Order no. 600/2018 and their implications on the documents prepared in the field of internal / managerial control
Comparative analysis between OSGG 600/2018 and OSGG 400/2015, OSGG 200/200;
Responsibilities of the heads of public entities in the field of CI / M provided in the Code of internal / managerial control approved by Order no. 600/2018
Organization and functioning of the monitoring commission in the entity. Minimum documents regarding the functioning of the commission; possible errors in the organization and functioning of the commission.
Elaboration of the SCI / M Development Program; planning activities for the implementation of SCI / M; SCI / M development program; the periodicity of the elaboration of the development program; possible errors in the development program
Instructions for drawing up, approving and presenting the report on the internal / managerial control system.
Standard performance and risk management
Establishing performance indicators. List of indicators in the field of payroll, accounting, public procurement, etc. Assessing the quality of performance monitoring indicators;
Documents regarding the implementation of risk management. Identifying significant risks. Catalog of risks. How to check if a statement is a risk.
Good practices in the field of risk formulation; risk assessment and prioritization. Risk register by compartments.
Specific practical aspects
Operational procedures regarding control activities – supervision and continuation of the activity;
Information and communication; document management. Accounting and financial reporting;
Evaluation and audit.
Practical applications, analysis and debates on the participants’ issues; Argumentation regarding the necessity and utility of internal / managerial control.
- Duration: 2 days
- Course type: open / in-house (minimum 5 participants)
- Location: Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara, Brasov
- Standard 15, SCI / M Assessment. How to achieve it and necessary steps
- Standard 14, Accounting and Financial Reporting. Analyze
- Standard 13, Document Management. The circuit of documents within the internal structures of the public entity. Practical examples
- Standard 12, Information and Communication. Establishing the types of information for the development of an efficient communication system
- Standard 11, Business Continuity. Elaboration of the continuity plan. Practical examples;
- Standard 10, Surveillance. Solutions regarding the management by the entity of a good supervision of the activities of the public entity
- Standard 9, Procedures. Advantages of developing and applying operational procedures. Risks of non-application of operational procedures. Scheme of elaboration / updating of procedures. Processor documentation and creation of descriptive process diagrams. Examples of procedures with descriptive process diagrams
- Standard 8, Risk Management. Documents regarding the implementation of risk management. Identifying significant risks. Catalog of risks by areas with risk examples. Determining the causes that can lead to risk. Formulation of risks in accordance with good practice in the field. Acceptable risk limit. Risk assessment and prioritization
- Standard 7, Performance Monitoring. Establishing performance indicators. Evaluation of the quality of indicators. Implement a coherent performance monitoring system. Annual performance monitoring report. Examples, deficiencies and possible errors;
- Standard 6, Planning. Model plans. Example of a completed plan. Planning errors;
- Standard 5, Objectives. Defining general and specific objectives. Goal improvement techniques to become “SMART”. Examples of objectives in the field of human resources, payroll, accounting, procurement, etc. The main deficiencies and possible errors in defining the objectives. Establishing planning hypotheses. Examples of defining and linking hypotheses and objectives;
- Standard 4, Organizational structure. Delegation in the entity. Delegation errors;
- Standard 3, Competence, performance. Evaluating the professional performance of employees based on individual annual objectives. Elaboration of the professional training plan;
- Standard 2, Duties, functions, tasks. Preparation and updating of the entity’s mission document. How to properly draw up a regulation of organization and operation. The link between the entity’s objectives, the specific objectives of the organizational microstructures and the job descriptions; The need to identify sensitive functions and how to analyze; management plan for sensitive functions. Practical examples
- Standard 1, Ethics and Integrity. Activities necessary for the management of the public entity to ensure an ethical climate. Develop procedures on integrity, ethical values, avoidance of conflicts of interest, prevention and reporting of fraud, corruption and reporting of irregularities