
ISO 9712:2013

Non-destructive examinations. Qualification and certification of non-destructive personnel (harmonized with European Directive 2014/68 / EU Pressure Equipment)

As the effectiveness of any application of non-destructive testing (NDT) depends on the ability of those who perform or are responsible for the examination, standards have been developed to provide means for assessing and documenting the competence of staff whose tasks require adequate theoretical and practical knowledge. of the non-destructive examinations they perform specifically, supervise, supervise or evaluate.
When the certification of NDT personnel is required in product standards, regulations, codes or specifications, it is important to certify such personnel in accordance with this international standard.

Where there is no requirement in the legislation, standard or certification order of NDT staff, it is up to the employers of such staff to decide how to ensure that they are competent enough to perform their duties. Thus, they can hire already certified staff or mobilize their own experience to ensure that their employee has the necessary competence. In the latter case, a prudent employer will no doubt use this international standard as a reference document.
The standard SR EN ISO 9712: 2013 specifies requirements for the principles of qualification and certification of personnel performing non-destructive examinations (NDT) industrial.

The system specified in this international standard may be applied to other NDT methods or new techniques within an established END method, provided that there is a complete certification scheme and the method or technique is covered by international, European or national standards or as new. method or technique has been shown to be effective to the satisfaction of the certification body